Source code for tsutsuji.config

#    Copyright 2021-2022 konawasabi
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.


import configparser
import pathlib

[docs]class Config(): def __init__(self,path): self.cp = configparser.ConfigParser() try:,'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: print('Warning: {:s} cannot be decoded with utf-8. Tsutsuji tries to decode with CP932.'.format(str(path))) try:,'cp932') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise RuntimeError('Unknown encoding: {:s}'.format(str(path))) self.path_parent = pathlib.Path(path).resolve().parent sections = self.cp.sections() self.track_keys = [i for i in sections if '@' not in i] self.kml_keys = [i for i in sections if '@KML_' in i] self.csv_keys = [i for i in sections if '@CSV_' in i] self.general = {'origin_distance':0,\ 'offset_variable':None,\ 'unit_length':1,\ 'owntrack':None,\ 'output_path':'./result',\ 'backimg':None,\ 'check_u':True,\ 'output_digit':3} if '@TSUTSUJI_GENERAL' in sections: for k in self.cp.options('@TSUTSUJI_GENERAL'): if k in ['origin_distance', 'unit_length']: self.general[k] = float(self.cp['@TSUTSUJI_GENERAL'][k]) elif k in ['output_digit']: self.general[k] = int(self.cp['@TSUTSUJI_GENERAL'][k]) elif k in ['check_u']: self.general[k] = True if self.cp['@TSUTSUJI_GENERAL'][k] == 'True' else False else: self.general[k] = self.cp['@TSUTSUJI_GENERAL'][k] self.owntrack = self.general['owntrack'] self.general['output_path'] = self.path_parent.joinpath(pathlib.Path(self.general['output_path'])) if self.general['backimg'] is not None: self.general['backimg'] = self.path_parent.joinpath(pathlib.Path(self.general['backimg'])) self.track_data = self.get_trackdata(self.track_keys) for tk in self.track_keys: if self.track_data[tk]['isowntrack']: self.owntrack = tk self.kml_track = self.get_trackdata(self.kml_keys) self.csv_track = self.get_trackdata(self.csv_keys) self.maptile = None if '@MAPTILE' in sections: self.maptile = {'toshow': False,\ 'longitude': 139.741357472222222,\ 'latitude': 35.6580992222222222,\ 'x0': 0,\ 'y0': 0,\ 'alpha': 0.8,\ 'zoomlevel': 15,\ 'template_url': '',\ 'autozoom': False} for key in self.cp.options('@MAPTILE'): self.maptile[key] = self.cp['@MAPTILE'][key] for key in ['longitude', 'latitude', 'x0', 'y0', 'alpha']: if key in self.cp.options('@MAPTILE'): self.maptile[key] = float(self.maptile[key]) key = 'zoomlevel' if key in self.cp.options('@MAPTILE'): self.maptile[key] = int(self.maptile[key]) for key in ['toshow', 'autozoom']: if key in self.cp.options('@MAPTILE'): self.maptile[key] = True if self.maptile[key]=='True' else False
[docs] def get_trackdata(self, keys): track_data = {} linecolor_default = ['#1f77b4','#ff7f0e','#2ca02c','#d62728','#9467bd','#8c564b','#e377c2','#7f7f7f','#bcbd22','#17becf'] color_ix = 0 for tk in keys: track_data[tk] = {'absolute_coordinate':True,\ 'x':0,\ 'y':0,\ 'z':0,\ 'angle':0,\ 'endpoint':0,\ 'file':None,\ 'parent_track':None,\ 'origin_kilopost':None,\ 'isowntrack':False,\ 'supplemental_cp':[],\ 'color':linecolor_default[color_ix%10],\ 'calc_relrad':False} for k in self.cp.options(tk): if k.lower() == 'file': track_data[tk][k] = self.path_parent.joinpath(pathlib.Path(self.cp[tk][k])) elif k.lower() in ['x','y','z','angle','endpoint','origin_kilopost']: track_data[tk][k] = float(self.cp[tk][k]) elif k.lower() in ['isowntrack','absolute_coordinate','calc_relrad']: track_data[tk][k] = True if self.cp[tk][k].lower() == 'true' else False elif k.lower() in ['supplemental_cp']: for supcp in self.cp[tk][k].split(','): track_data[tk][k].append(float(supcp)) else: track_data[tk][k] = self.cp[tk][k] color_ix +=1 return track_data